Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Snow of the Season on Temple Square

Today we had our first snow storm of the season. As I left home (in West Jordan), the snow was already deep and still coming down. I grabbed my camera and headed for the bus thinking how great Temple Square was going to look! Imagine my disappointment as we arrived downtown only to find that the snow had pretty much skipped downtown Salt Lake. Oh well, I thought... maybe I'd stop by Temple Square on my way home for a few shots of flowers with a light dusting of snow on them (if the snow survives that long).

THEN... the weather changed! By noontime the snow had begun to fall. It got dark and dreary as the snow came down heavy. So much for taking pictures, I didn't want to be in the middle of a dark gloomy snow storm taking pictures.

THEN... the weather changed again! Just before time to go home, the sun came out! It not only made the fresh fallen snow look fantastic, but it immediately started melting the snow. So I knew I had to hurry. I left work and ran for Temple Square. And here are some of the images:

1 comment:

  1. Very nice photos!! I wish i could visit this lovely place!


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