Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Congratulations Brian and Sarah

Brian and Sarah were married last Saturday. But wait ... that's like reading the end of the story without starting at the beginning.

You know I love photography. And so do a lot of other photographers. But I hear so many of them say that they really don't like weddings. And I think I know their reasons... and mainly it's just that weddings ... are a LOT of work! Especially in terms of how much a photographer can make off of shooting a wedding as compared to shooting a family portrait. (hint: you can shoot a lot more families per day and make the same amount of money in a day that it takes days, if not weeks, of work to make shooting a wedding)

But I don't care. That's not why I'm into photography.

I really love shooting weddings. And I love weddings because I love to be around happy people. Even more, I love being around people who are in love. You know what? The happier and the more in love they are, the happier and the more in love I feel. What was that song? Love makes the world go round.

Another big reason I love weddings (especially as compared to other types of photography) is that it's just ... so ... personal. It's as if I have "stepped into someone's life", even if only for a moment. From the engagement session on through to the bridals and finally spending a full day with the bride and groom at their wedding. It's that "connection" that I feel when all is said and done.

This blog post is, perhaps, a lot more sentimental than most of my posts, and certainly a lot wordier. So let's get back to the pictures.

Meet Brian and Sarah!

What a fun loving couple!

When you first meet Sarah, you might think she's a little shy. And maybe she is. But....

Brian knows how to win her over. He's always doing something. He really knows how to cheer her up and how to bring the best out of her.

You can see it in her eyes... she loves her man!

Usually the next step is to do bridals. And that's what I had scheduled with Sarah. But when we met up in American Fork Canyon, I discovered that Brian was with her and that he brought his clothes too. Woohoo! I love doing "formals" (I prefer this term over "bridals and groomals" because groomals just sounds funny).

And wow. I mean ... WOW! They were gorgeous. The location was gorgeous. Everything was just so perfect!

And while I normally don't do both bridals and formals (as separate photo shoots, I mean), this was a special case .. and I seriously love that I got to do this for her. We went early on a Saturday morning to the Utah State Capitol Building and took these pictures:

And in case you were wondering......

Yes, Brian was at the bridal session as well. He really does bring out the best in Sarah!

Then came wedding day....

It was, indeed, a very windy day!

I love this couple. I wish Brian and Sarah all the best as they begin their journey together. May Brian always be her man, and may Sarah always light up his eyes, may they share this glowing love for each other throughout eternity!

Thank you for letting me be your photographer on such a special occasion!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more David. I love people in love and all the joy that goes with it!

  2. you are such an inspiration to me! Your photographs are always beautiful and have such a great feel and emotion to them. I am a very very very new photographer but i have he passion and drive to acheive my dreams in photography! Organization and hard work are something I pursue, not avoid! Shooting a wedding is my ultimate goal and I am so very inspired by you. Do you have any tips, tricks or advice you would be willing to share with this newbie?
    Amazing job, as always!

  3. Hi Jen. I really wish you lived here in Utah. We have such a wonderful core group of photographers who are always working to help others. Check out one of my blog posts on improving photography and you can see what I mean: http://blog.dterryphotography.com/2009/07/how-do-i-improve-my-photography.html

    Anyway, if you have any questions, I'm always happy to help. You can reach me at david@dterryphotography.com

  4. Thank you for capturing the spirit of these two! Brian has always been a genuinely gentle person, always a delightful son. And it has been so very much fun to watch him take care of Sarah. It's what every man should look forward to doing, you know? And every woman hopes for! What a great moment in time and thankfully it is captured perfectly in the art of photography! Your blog brought tears, again...

  5. David, great pics, great sentiment. They are fun, aren't they.

    Lovely light in those outdoor bridals and groomals BTW! :) mpeters

  6. Your talent and love for photography shows time and time again, I'm blown away again, what a great capture

  7. David I love this post!! The pictures are amazing and I loved hearing what you had to say! I really enjoy reading about the more personal side of things, and you write really well. You should do it more often. Seriously, awesome job on this wedding!!!!

  8. This was such a great post, I love hearing about why other photographers do what they do..And the images you captured for them are just perfect. The way she looks at him with the twinkle in her eye..just priceless. Wonderful work!

  9. WOW Haven't you just captured the essence of this couple! A wonderful testimony to the beginning of a fabulous partnership. As the Grandmother of the bride I couldn't be more pleased with the way you have captured these moments and thank you for your wonderful work and dedication. Just as the love of Brian and Sarah is obvious so is your passion for your work. Love, Laughter & Luck in all you do
    Dr Robin Ekholm

  10. David - your work is wonderful! Not only did you capture all of the fun and beauty but the love and compassion that Sarah and Brian have for each other but all the pictures we as parents could desire.

    Their sweetness comes out in your pictures without all of the fluff that so many need to make something this important and Eternal more.

    Thank you for the tireless work and love of what you do. Your work and artistry is perfect and captured a perfect day with the Bride and Groom and our family.

    Thank you again
    Todd and Marie LeRoy

  11. David - your work is wonderful! Not only did you capture all of the fun and beauty but the love and compassion that Sarah and Brian have for each other but all the pictures we as parents could desire.

    Their sweetness comes out in your pictures without all of the fluff that so many need to make something this important and Eternal more.

    Thank you for the tireless work and love of what you do. Your work and artistry is perfect and captured a perfect day with the Bride and Groom and our family.

    Thank you again
    Todd and Marie LeRoy

  12. These are gorgeous images! It was fun to finally meet you last night at the party. I have admired your work for a long time.


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