Monday, July 5, 2010

Congratulations Shawn and Natalie

I've known Natalie for awhile now. She had offered to model for me so I could try out some new locations and over the past year and a half and four photo sessions, I've gotten to know her pretty well. So while I'm always excited to see someone get married, it's a bit more personal when I've come to know the bride so well.

For the curious, here are links to our other photo shoots:

Natalie in downtown Salt Lake (our first shoot together)
Natalie at The Castle Amphitheater
Natalie at the Old Smelter (this is where I met Shawn for the first time)
Natalie in Studio

Anyway, on to some fun engagement, bridals and wedding pictures!

We did their engagement pictures at the Great Salt Lake. She said she wanted "steamy" so we got a little "steamy" with a couple of the poses:

Bridal pictures were done at Thanksgiving Point Gardens (the large gardens in the back):

And finally, on July 3rd, 2010, Shawn and Natalie were wed in Shawn's back yard in Payson:

And finally, the reception was at Natalie's church:

Congratulations again Shawn and Natalie and best wishes to both of you for the future!

The complete set of pictures for Shawn and Natalie can be found on my website.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning. Sexy. Amazing.....AS ALWAYS! Im head over to check out some of your previous shoots with her! :)


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