Monday, November 14, 2011

Carissa's Bridals at JSMB and Memory Grove

It is with great honor that I was able to shoot Carissa's wedding.  Not only is she stunning, but we are actually somewhat related (she is the daughter of my wife's cousin - whatever that works out to be).  I absolutely loved her bridal pictures. We shot some of them at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (JSMB) down by the Salt Lake Temple, and the rest we shot outside at Memory Grove which is just down the hill from the Utah State Capitol Building. I'll share her wedding pictures later, but for now, check these out!

Bridals at Joseph Smith Memorial Buidling (JSMB) by David Terry PhotographyBridals at Joseph Smith Memorial Buidling (JSMB) by David Terry Photography Bridals at Joseph Smith Memorial Buidling (JSMB) by David Terry Photography Bridals at Memory Grove by David Terry PhotographyBridals at Memory Grove by David Terry Photography Bridals at Memory Grove by David Terry Photography Bridals at Memory Grove by David Terry PhotographyBridals at Memory Grove by David Terry Photography Bridals at Memory Grove by David Terry Photography Bridals at Memory Grove by David Terry PhotographyBridals at Memory Grove by David Terry Photography Bridals at Memory Grove by David Terry Photography Bridals at Joseph Smith Memorial Buidling (JSMB) by David Terry PhotographyBridals at Joseph Smith Memorial Buidling (JSMB) by David Terry Photography

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