Thursday, January 5, 2012

Before and After Photos

Lately I've been experimenting a bit more than usual with my editing. Most of my photo editing is general cleanup work, but I've been trying to be a bit more creative. Some of my pictures have taken on a more HDR-like appearance, some look more like paintings, some times I add textures. I wanted to use this post to give you a sense of the changes that have been made by giving you a Before and After look at the images.

All of the effects are done in Photoshop using various plugins. I have found that I'm rarely satisfied with the output of any given filter or plugin. Instead, I usually have to create multiple layers and layer masks in order to keep the parts of each layer that I want while revealing other parts underneath.

As some have asked what plugins I use, the following are my most used:  Topaz Labs Adjust 5, Topaz Labs Simplify 3, Alien Skin Snap Art 3, Nik HDR Efex Pro and Nik Color Efex Pro 3 (I have version 4 but find it is much slower than version 3).

To view the BEFORE image, roll your mouse over the image and wait a few seconds for the image to load.


  1. This, to me, is part of what takes it a step beyond simple photos and turns it into photography, a beautiful artform. Thanks for sharing your vision with us :D

  2. I'm in agreement with Heidi... I love how it takes it beyond just a simple photograph. But I've got to say, the b&w in the middle kind of freaks me out with the edit you did, lol.

  3. The goal of that particular edit was a really dark/moody image. So your reaction is justified. :)

  4. Thats Amazing! I will be this good someday (positive thinking)


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