It's 100 degrees on October 14th. That's hot any time of year, but on a wedding day in Mesa Arizona it just feels hot.
But that didn't seem to bother Garrison and Jennifer. They were real troopers, from the time they came out of the Temple right through to the famed "upheaval" and then some. (she knows what I mean)
What a FUN couple! It was with Garrison and Jennifer that I shot what I think are some of my most favorite engagement pictures. Ever.
(blue ribbon winner at the Utah State Fair photography contest)
Originally that was all I was going to do ... the engagement pictures. Because the wedding was planned for Mesa Arizona (and I live in Utah) it didn't make too much sense to drive all the way down. But they asked me to come anyway. And I am SO glad I did.
The wedding photography was spread out over three days. We did wedding pictures on Thursday at the Mesa Arizona Temple where they were sealed for time and all eternity. Then on Friday we went out into the desert to shoot formals (bride and groom together) with some "authentic" Arizona landscaping. And finally, on Saturday they had the reception.
I just want to share some of my favorite pictures from the wedding, formals and reception.
And thus they survived the 100 degree weather on their wedding day.
Next up was a trip to the desert for their formals pictures. Check these out:
And this one image was the source of inspiration for the session ... the "must have" shot. I love it:
![Cactus Desert Bride and Groom](http://www.dterryphotography.com/photos/1049881040_bjNyr-M.jpg)
The reception was in the background of a very secluded home (yes, what I'm trying to say is that even the GPS didn't know where this home was). But it was a lovely setting and even mother nature helped out by cooling things down.
Congratulations again Mr. and Mrs. Burton!