This wedding was special for me. I have known Rosilene since she was 2-3 years old. I met her and her family while serving a mission in Brazil. I affectionately refer to her mother as my "Brazilian mom" because she did so much to take care of me for the first 7 months of my mission. So in that sense, Rosilene is like a little sister. :)
Later in life, Rosilene and her sister Roseli, came to the U.S. and lived with our little family for about 6 months while they looked for a place to stay of there own. (long story, we've had several Brazilians who have lived with us over the years, mostly as foreign exchange students, but these two gals came up for the purpose of starting a new life in the U.S.)
And so with that background, I wish all the best to Rosilene and her soul mate Márcio. May they have long and wonderful lives together.
These are some of the pictures I captured to help them remember their wedding day: