I'm quite late in updating my blog as I have only had tiny slivers of time to access the internet during this trip (which started on May 28th). But of highest importance on my list of things to share is the main reason we started this trip in the first place: The dedication of the Brazil Curitiba Temple.
To my surprise, upon arrival at the stadium where the celebration festivities were to occur, I was offered what I felt was a chance of a lifetime. I was given a "press pass" giving me free access to all of the festivities. I was up on the stand near President Monson. I was down, in amongst the performers. Of course, being down by the performers has its drawbacks too... it was hard to see everything at once (it was huge!) plus I almost got trampled one time as a large group of performers ran towards me from behind while I was photographing what was happening in front of me. (when I noticed them running towards me, I simply ducked down low and let them run around me)
That was on Saturday. The next morning was the dedication itself, which was preceded by the setting of the Corner Stone by Pres. Monson and several people who he called up to help him.
Here are just a "few" of the more than 1200 images I shot at the celebration:

And here are some of the images captured at the setting of the corner stone:

Finally, I didn't get much of a chance to take pictures of the temple itself. But here are a few of the ones I did get:

Here's a link to the rest of the pictures on my web site:
Wow, what an amazing opportunity. Great shots!
I agree. way to capture the moment like I have not seen before.
What an INCREDIBLE experience for you. Completely amazing shots (as always). Enjoy the rest of your trip and return home safely! :)
these pictures are amazing! thanks for sharing!
Anna Tenney
Great photos, David! Thanks for letting me post one on my blog. I'm spoiled for choice here :-)
I'm loving your blog!! There are so many fantastic photos to look at and I'm especially enjoying the temple photos. The dedication photos are awesome! What a neat thing to be a part of! Thanks for sharing your blog, I will definitely be back to check in on your latest adventures!
what great photos, a press pass WOW! they must have seen that white lens:)
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