Mount Timpanogos Temple

Logan Temple

Logan Temple

Bountiful Utah Temple

Jordan River Temple

Jordan River Temple

Jordan River Temple

Boise Idaho Temple

Curitiba Temple (Brazil)

Curitiba Temple (Brazil)
And of course, my favorite of all... the Salt Lake Temple:

Beautiful, no stunning images. My templogue
1. Shortly after joining the church I sang at the opening of the Seattle Temple. A few years later I was married there by the temple president. Later had to travel there by bus from Spokane to get to the temple at all (attended more then than when living a few miles from the temple)
2. Attended a stake conference at the Oakland Temple. With our first infant and there only 9 months, never went to a session there.
3. Got as far as the visitor's center in Hawaii. That was before attending the temple means as much as it does now.
4. Regularly attended the Denver Temple while living in Colorado Springs.
5. Glad to have made it a point to go to the Orlando temple while on vacation. The purple sofas in the celestial room are still my favorites.
6. Only got to SLC temple decades after visiting it as a non-member (been through 1 session there).
7. Attended Washington DC temple during 30th anniversary, while commuting there for work for 6 months. Learned to love its image through the eyes of my African taxi driver, who was later baptized.
8. Got to regularly attend the Idaho Falls temple while commuting there for work for 8 months. Was clueless not to note that the Temple President and Matron were Brother and Sister Groberg (Other Side of Heaven). Fabulous genealogy center nearby.
8. Finally got to attend the Spokane temple to appreciate the many hours we spent commuting to Seattle. Not at all ironic that the temple was built over the softball fields and shared the parking lot with the ward we were in before moving away. And, of course, the Temple President and Matron was our former Stake President and wife (his leadership drove much of the righteousness there).
9. Attended Mount Tempanogos temple for a most anticipated day -- taking my firstborn through the temple (she couldn't understand why I was more excited about buying her temple gown than her wedding gown -- for me the two were the same, I'd stayed up until 2am the morning of my wedding sewing it). I went through that day for my grandmother.
10. A week later I was at the West Jordan temple as she was sealed to her husband.
11. Temples being more important now than in the past, when at a professional conference in San Diego, rather than going to the beaches, I went to the temple. There I sealed my grandmother's family and listened to wonderful personal stories from the sealer. Having served a mission in San Diego during WWII he returned there later as a navy recruit. Serving in the San Diego temple as a worker when it was first opened, someone said "The President wants to see you in his office." When he got there, he gasped -- behind the desk was President Hinkley, who called him as a sealer. What an honor it was to have had the work done by that man for my grandmother and her family.
12 + 13. For the last 10 years we have attended either the Dallas or Houston temples, as we move back and forth between the two areas (the Houston celestial room reminds me of the Orlando temple the most). We now serve every Saturday in the Dallas temple, even though it means that I have no days off to attend to personal errands/chores. One of the couples serving with us drive over 2 hours. It is an honor.
@Rotkapchen Oh my! What a beautiful series of stories you have put together in such a short space. I swear I was touched as I read through them. I'm sure others will be as well. Thank you for taking the time to share!
BEAUTIFUL! It was once my goal to visit all the temples of the world. The last time I counted, I've been to 23, so I'm on my way. :)
@Amanda It used to be possible to visit all of the temples. At the current rate of announcements for new temples, I don't think anyone can keep up any more! :)
@Jared Madsen
You are right ... in more ways than one.
1) Working for the church, I used to be downtown right next to Temple Square and I used to take my camera with me every day and would shoot either in the morning going to work or in the evening coming home (now I'm at Triad and don't do that any more), but
2) because of all of the weddings I shoot, I get to see many of the temples and I always take a few shots of the temple while the couple is in the temple being sealed. So yeah, I get to see a lot of temples. :)
Wow, I absolutely love these shots! I think you have some amazing ones of the Salt Lake Temple. So beautiful!
Love them!! You have a great eye to get some sweet angles.
I need to go out shooting with you more often and learn these things!
Your photos are amazing! Every time I check out your blog I get more excited to have you take the Dressen family picture. I think Tony was in high school when they took their last picture. So I'm sure it will be a while before they do it again. All the more reason I'm glad you are doing it. Hopefully, we can figure out a good time between all our hectic lives!!
Very awesome. My husband was sitting right here and thought they were from the web because they are so good.
Those are breath taking! Sooo gorgeous! The one of the S.L. temple and the angel moroni and the moon... It looks like Angel Moroni is blowing a bubble from his trumpet! I thought it was cool... Hopefully that doesn't sound sac religious or anything! But all of those are amazing!
David, well done as usual. You're my photographic hero!
After reading your blog, I thought your articles is great! I liked your articles and Photographs. Your blog is very useful to me. Here you are provideing such a greatful information.
Thanks for sharing.......
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