Now, since I didn't get to share bridal images ahead of the ceremony (not wanting Dan to see her dress before the big day), I'll start off with a couple of her bridals:

(this was my favorite shot because it shows how beautiful both Angie and her dress really are)

(classic, simply classic)

(Angie's favorite, I love how carefree she looks)

(this is the Angie we know and love - wild and free!)

(such a beautiful bride!)

(Angie's just getting into her groove - you should see the whole series!)

(again, such a BEAUTIFUL bride!)

(even when you can't see the whole thing, I just love her smile)
And now some images from the wedding:

(oh yes, this is only just the beginning of the fun)

(Dan is surrounded by a harem of the cutest girls on the planet)

(not to be out done, Angie is turning up the heat)

(ever notice how anyone that Angie stands next to looks good?)

(ring shot)

(signing their lives away)

(Monique was "The Hot One" - just ask Brett)

(Devon says "She's not heavy, she's my sister!")

(Cassie is surrounded by the Davids)

(I just love this picture of Marilyn, proud "Mother of the Bride")

(Brandy and Cassie - I swear they were never this friendly as teenagers!)

(while the focus is on the ring, it's that smile that makes the image)

(if she feeds him right, he might someday have something to actually hold onto)

(dance to the music in your heart, even when there's no actual music playing)

(love is a many splendored thing)

(only Dan could make this work!)

(getting ready to throw the bouquet)

(who will get it?)

(the girl in green realizes she'll have to wait a few years to get married)

(Allison Hilder looks to be the next bride)

(And so the bouquet passes ... from one bride ... to the next)

(Dan thinks he knows where to find the Garter)

(Angie's not sure he's looking in the right place!)

(wait ... where'd the garter go?!?)

(after Allison caught the bouquet, it's all up to Jonathan now!)


(I don't even know what to say)

(here's to the next Bride and Groom)

(the best part about Dan ... is the way he makes Angie laugh!)

(see how she laughs? she is so happy it's contagious!)

(ducks think humans are so strange)

(the rings)

(the cake)

(Best of duck to both of you!)
These were just a small sampling of the pictures that were taken (and I wasn't even supposed to be carrying a camera that day). You can see these and much more on my website here:
Also, a video slide show is available:
Or for something a little more jazzy... check out this video slide show on YouTube:
Again, congratulations Angie. You were a beautiful bride and I hope you and Dan have a lovely long life together.
the photos are not showing up for me :(
You're not just a proud papa (although I'm sure you ARE a proud papa), she IS BEAUTIFUL! Looks like it was a perfect day. Best of luck to the both of them.
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